What yZiGN stands for?
Why Design? Why do you need interior design? yZiGN. Interiors affect our health and wellbeing, motivate and inspire us.
What should I expect at the first meeting with you?
Talking more about yourself that you are comfortable with. I want to know everything about you? It is a therapy session.
What is your Style?
I think by this point it doesn't have a name. Its a collection of everything that I like. Somehow it works. Eclectic.
What's the biggest lesson in your decade career as a designer?
That it's not about me and what I like. It’s about the client. Sooner I stop convincing you about what I like sooner you get your dream space.
Bigger the better or less is more?
Just right.
How do you see yourself as a designer?
As a translator. My job is to translate your life into design composition. Definitely not to dictate what you should like.
What’s your favorite design related quote?
I am going to make everything around me beautiful. This will be my life.
What inspires you lately?
Keeping or buying items that spark joy.
What do you look for in every room?
For this one piece that blows my mind. Every room needs that slap in the face.
What would be your advice for someone ready to design their home?
Don’t commit to only one style. You are more complex than that.
How do you determine the client’s style?
Throw ideas as confetti and see how the client responds. I follow the lead
When is the design a success?
Short term. When none of your friends will copy-paste your design, but they all love it.
Long term. When in 10 years you don’t feel like you need to redesign your house again wholly.
Which space in the house is most overlooked?
Foyer. It’s always at the end of the priority list. I think it is the other way around. It’s a cover of your story. It sets the tone. It makes you feel good the moment you open the door and tells you it's more to follow.
What space feels least personal to you?
Kitchen. We finally learn that buying matching furniture sets it’s a big no, but we still buy catalog kitchens.
Can I do it on my own?
You can, but I would advise you not to. Before you know it, that sofa is too big, and this chair is too small.
What the most rewarding thing about your job?
Client crying. It is very powerful.
What was the most challenging situation you experienced so far in your career?
I have one daily. The one that stands out most is being in the middle of a fight between spouses over an art selection, and no one wants to give in.
FOLLOW UP: What did you do?
We regrouped.
What tip would you give to anyone who is watching?
Don’t follow the trends! If you don’t like gray walls and white kitchens don’t do it.
What drives you crazy?
Matching pillows on the sofa with the sofa fabric. And art that is hung too high.
What’s your favorite color?
Emerald green. It's the first color that pops into my head when I'm getting something for my home. I do also like navy and dark blues. And red. And pretty much every color. I think every color has a killer shade.
gold kitchen faucet:
She looks so nice person
Mar 14, 2021
Jan 28, 2020
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